Anal Incontinence

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The Equation
Flow Index calculator
Flow Index & contispation
Defecation Norm Gram
Anal Incontinence
Continence Norm Gram
Applications of the Theory
Facts and Controversies

  • According to the flow equation three main types of anal incontinence (A.I.) can be recognized

    Passive A.I. (During rest). Where flow is calculated using maximum Intrarectal pressure during rest and A.C. Length and Diameter during rest

    Stress A.I. (During reflex squeeze e.g. on coughing). Where flow is measured using maximum IRP during cough and A.C. Length and Diameter during squeeze.

    Urgency A.I. (During voluntary squeeze). Where flow is measured using maximum IRP during sense of Urgency and A.C. Length and Diameter during Squeeze.

    Correction for Sensory and Reflex Components

    Passive A.I.:
    1. For delayed first sensation the flow index is measured using maximum IRP just before the first sensation and A.C. Length and Diameter During rest.

    2. For reflex deficit: If profound RAIR precedes the first sensation Causing unconscious profound inhibition of the anal sphincter (overflow incontinence) e.g. neurogenic A.I. Where flow is measured using maximum IRP during rest and A.C. Length and diameter during full relaxation (defecation).

    Stress A.I.:
    Correction for defective reflex contraction of the sphincters where the maximum IRP during coughing challenges the anal Sphincter in its resting state instead of its contraction state.

    Flow is measured using maximum IRP during cough and A.C.
    Length and Diameter during rest.

    Urgency A.I.:
    When profound RAIR precedes the sense of urgency where Flow is measured using Maximum IRP during urgency and A.C. Length and Diameter during full relaxation (defecation).

  • Quantitation of sensory and or reflex deficit can be made easily by the equation: Flow index after correction – Flow index before correction.
  • A flow index of 0.1cc/ s. was taken as a cutoff point between fecal soiling and normal continence (flow < 0.1cc/s).
  • A flow index of 1cc/s. was taken as a cutoff point between true incontinence (flow =/> 1cc/s) and fecal soiling.




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